What We Do

Designing a retirement plan from the ground up can be complicated, but with our holistic approach, you can have confidence in the security of your financial future. We call our approach retirement-focused financial planning.

You deserve to work with a team who understands your values, respects your vision, and provides a clear plan to bring them to life. Let's see how we can do that for you.


Services Offered

Wealth Management Planning Services | Step By Step Financial

Retirement Planning

Retirement-Focused Financial Planning is our foundational service. We follow the 7-Step Financial Planning Process from the CFPⓇ Board of Standards. For you, our team focuses on providing comprehensive retirement planning that aligns your goals and lifestyle with your wealth.

We start by digging into your unique personal and financial circumstances. Our goal is to help you understand everything that's going on in your financial life so that we can help you clarify your next steps. Together, we will identify your values and select the goals that will be the most meaningful to you both now and in the future.

Once we have outlined your unique goals, the Step By Step team will analyze your current course of action and potential alternatives. We'll provide recommendations based on where you are now and where you want to go.

We'll meet together to review these recommendations. Our job is to empower you to make financial decisions that help move you toward your ideal life. Once you've determined which recommendations feel right to you, we will help you implement your tailored financial planning strategy. We'll meet regularly with you to monitor your progress and update your plan as needed.

Why Retirement-Focused Financial Planning?

Retirement-focused financial planning offers numerous benefits and opportunities to use your wealth in a way true to you. Retirement planning positively impacts your life in multiple ways. First and foremost, a comprehensive retirement financial plan helps you gain a full view of your financial life.

You better understand where you've been, where you are, and where you're headed when your money works toward your goals and values. You also gain answers to your most pressing financial questions and peace of mind knowing that your finances align with what matters most. 

Finally, retirement-focused financial planning empowers you to make exceptional decisions about your money. You can sidestep financial anxiety and choose how to leverage your wealth confidently.

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Wealth Management Planning Services | Step By Step Financial
Wealth Management Planning Services | Step By Step Financial

Investment Management

Our investment philosophy is based on a low-cost, income-first approach. We will recommend low-cost ETFs, mutual funds, and individual bonds. We use Fidelity as our custodian for client accounts.

Asset Dedication works alongside us to provide high-quality professional investment management to our clients.


  1. Low investment fees
  2. Tax-efficient strategies, including asset location, donor-advised funds, and Roth IRA conversions
  3. Simple account set-up and management
  4. Confidence as your account is reviewed and managed by a fiduciary
  5. Cash and income-first investment approach

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Tax Planning

Tax Planning is crucial for your financial health and is one of the most significant value-added benefits we provide. We aim to help you implement strategies that reduce your "lifetime tax bill."


Tax planning may sound like something you do every April to check it off the list. However, the truth is that careful tax planning touches every aspect of your financial plan: income, investments, charitable giving, and more.

A robust and proactive plan can save you thousands of dollars every year, both now and as you near retirement. The tax planning strategies we incorporate for our clients often save them significantly more than the fee we charge. We take great pride in providing a service that a client can pay for by incorporating tour advice

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Wealth Management Planning Services | Step By Step Financial