Our Fee Structure

At Step By Step Financial, we offer two distinct fee structures to cater to the unique needs of our clients. One is more planning-centric, ideal for busy families and clients in the accumulation stage, and the other is more investment-centric, often preferred by retirees. Here is a detailed explanation of each:

Wealth Building Plan

Wealth Management Plan

The Wealth Building Plan is designed for clients focused on accumulating wealth. The annual fee for this plan is calculated based on a percentage of your Adjusted Gross Income and Net Worth.

The wealth management plan is designed for those focused on managing their wealth and investments. 

The fees are structured as follows:

  • AGI Fees:
    • 1.00% of AGI
  • Net Worth Fees (excluding closely held businesses):
    • 0.50% of Net Worth

Annual Minimum Total Fee: $3,000

Payment Terms

  • Down Payment: $1,000 upfront
  • Remaining Balance: Billed monthly or quarterly in arrears, as per client preference
  • Payment Method: Fees will be paid via ACH bank draft or directly from the Client's accounts held at Altruist.


Our fee for investment management is based on the total investments we manage multiplied by the annual fee percentage. The fee structure is as follows:

Assets Under Management Annual Fee:

  • $1,000,001 - $3,000,000: 1.00%
  • $3,000,001 - $4,000,000: 0.80%
  • $4,000,001 - $5,000,000: 0.75%
  • $5,000,001 and over: 0.70%


Schedule an Initial Introductory Phone Call to determine if our services are a good fit for you.